Wedding Party Attire

This is the bridesmaid dress shown in the correct color (Marine blue).


This is my bridesmaid Chrissi modeling the dress!


In addition to their other gift, I got each of my girls a bolero jacket so they don't freeze during the ceremony.


Here are a few shots of me in my dress.

This was when I first put it on.  This one was a few sizes too big, so it was held up with several clamps in the back...and the straps were hella loose...


My actual dress and veil.  It fits like a glove!


I got a faux fur wrap to wear during the outdoor ceremony in March.  I'm a Minnesota girl, but I can only handle so much...


I haven't totally decided what I want to wear in my hair, so I have 2 options.  The first is a small pin that has lavender and blue (our colors) flowers.


This is option number 2.  It is just a small, silver flower with white crystals.  I really like both of the hair pins, so I don't know which I'm actually goin to wear.


These are my earrings.  I totally got them on sale at Target and they are perfect.  LOVE me some Target!


These are my navy shoes.  I originally got some white shoes to wear, but I saw these one day and fell in love.  Also, they are WAY more comfortable.