DIY projects (and gifts)

Here are some of the DIY projects that I've done.  Some of them are super simple, others a little more complicated.  This one was super simple.  All I did was add some navy ribbons to our toasting flutes.  They were just plain flutes that I got at ROSS for $5.


This is the tissue paper pom ball that I've been working on.  I got the directions from fellow knottie FutureMrsDudley55.  I'm trying to make 10, but we will see how many I can actually get done.  They are SO time consuming...


For my bridesmaids, I bought small make-up bags and put things like lotion, a small mirror, lipgloss, and a pair of flip-flops they can wear during the reception.


For the groomsmen we got engraved flasks and a bottle of their favorite booze to fill it.

